So, I 've been kicking this idea around for a while: I drive all night long for my job. I drive all over the city picking people up and dropping them off. It gives me atleast 5 hours of solid car+music+road time. Additionally I usually drive somewhere in the week, or crap I might even just drive around for the hell of it.
Surely, with so much time behind the wheel, it would make me an expert on what's best to rock out to while you're stuck in traffic or riding off into the sunset, just like in the movies. So I figured, why not start reviewing records based on how well they go with driving a motor vehicle? Holy crap, what a brilliant idea, right? I can put the whole record on my iPod, and then listen to it while I'm driving. I can then meticulously break it apart while I'm driving, and see how well the record matches my mood and the mood of my passengers, and also how it (possibly) affects my driving (does this music make you want to lean your seat WAY back and cruise around at 10 MPH below the speed limit? Does this music make you want to drive like you are running from the cops in GTA 4?). I will then come home at 4 AM and try to remember how the record made me feel and if that little camera thing in the car went off and recorded me singing. Crap.
Anyways, I'd like to start by asking everyone what their favorite artists are to listen to while they are driving around, be it just cruising around the city dodging potholes or in a full on mad rush at 90 MPH down the turnpike to get to Topeka to meet your family because you told them that you would meet them at Olive Garden at 12:30 and you left Lawrence right before 12:30.
I'm going to leave the political posts up here still....maybe. I'm sick of political crap.
Monday, April 19, 2010
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